What to do when you feel uninspired
Uninspired. That’s how I feel today. Wracking my brains for an uplifting, inspiring, and engaging topic to write about came up with nada. Then, rather helpfully, my hubby suggested that I write about being uninspired. How inspired!…
Oh, the places you’ll go! and other interesting reasons to read every day.
Of all the ways to lose yourself, there is none better than within the pages of a book. As a child, reading wasn’t something that came naturally to me. In fact, I have vivid memories of doing…
There’s power in a smile; how to use that smile power every day
Have you smiled yet today? Has something or someone caused you to react with the universally acknowledged symbol of happiness: a smile? If you’re a naturally optimistic person you will find opportunities to smile far more easily…
United rather than divided; looking for the best in others
Where were you when it happened? When the world changed completely. When we suddenly found ourselves at war. Again. This week marks the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks in America. I can’t quite believe that…
How to change the way you look at things
The world can be a big scary place. There is so much happening out there that we know about and so much that we’ve no idea about, but much of what we hear is worrying. The news…
How to deal with setbacks
There are many events in life that come along, some good, others bad. But it’s the bad situations, the ones that create the most challenge, that we naturally struggle with. Learning how to deal with setbacks is…
How to face the unavoidable reality of unmet expectations
Disappointment cuts deep, doesn’t it? When something doesn’t go the way we planned, or we don’t get the response we wanted, it can be a blow. We build up our expectations and when they are not met…
Leaving a legacy of kindness: a life that impacts others
When you think of people who have passed on, what is it that you remember most about them? In other words, what legacy did they leave behind? For some, it may be a fabulous skill, wonderful knowledge,…