Finding good in endings: an opportunity, not a finality.
How are you with endings? Good? Bad? Meh? The trouble is, whether we are okay with them or not, we cannot truly escape them. Life is full of beginnings and endings and how we learn to cope…
It’s never too late to start something new! 10 Tips to get you started
Have you ever reached that point in your life where you’re just ready for something new? Maybe you’re fed up with your job. Or maybe you’re in need of a creative outlet but aren’t sure where to…
What is Empathy? Looking inwardly to know others better.
Ever heard the phrase, do unto others as you would have them do unto you? It’s a principle taught to children in an effort to raise them as conscientious citizens. Whether the principle sticks or is reinforced…
Seeing is believing…or so we like to think!
Ever heard the phrase seeing is believing? I’d be surprised if you hadn’t. It’s one of those idioms that’s flourished about as though it’s gospel and everyone and their granny believes in its truth. I’m not so…
Do everything in love
What is love? Is it a “fancy or a feeling”, as Hartley Coleridge suggests in his Sonnet VII? Or do you ally with Shakespeare when he says in Sonnet 116, “Love is not love, which alters when…
Listening to wise advice – an essential practice
Do you seek advice in your life? Do you welcome the thoughts, opinions, and wisdom of others in your life situations? Or do you rely on your own wisdom, knowledge, and experience? As a child, we are…
Getting back to nature: a natural remedy for life
How much time do you spend in nature? Is it something you prioritise, revel in, or take great benefit from? This past year has been such a difficult one. So many of our priorities have changed. So…
Surrender control and find genuine prosperity
What do you think of when you hear the word prosperity? Money? Wealth? Influence? I’d probably think of the same sort of things too. It’s a word that is tied to the furtherance of material wealth, to…
The lost art and delight in learning a new skill
I learned a new skill this week! And I’m so delighted with the finished result! Let me explain! We’re decorating our kitchen just now which has been a long time coming. It’s an ongoing project and for…
Difficult people: how to measure our response
We’ve all met them. Those people who just rub us up the wrong way, who have an opinion on everything, think they’re always right…you know the type? Difficult people. It seems today, more than maybe ever, we…