Family life coach: The family that learns together stays together
Families Fight! Families Argue!
Do Something about it and BE THE FAMILY YOU WANT TO BE!

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What is family life coaching?
Every family has its battles! Do something about it...
We understand that every family has its problems, whether those problems are as commonplace as not knowing how to deal with difficult teenage behaviour, or as complex and devastating as trying to cope with betrayal or a separation.
The truth is, living with other people is difficult, even if those people happen to be the ones we care most about in the world. Managing a good family dynamic takes time, patience, and practice and even then it can be difficult! Keeping all family members happy is no easy task - especially when you all have to live under the same roof.
Family coaching sessions are designed to provide families with the tools and techniques to resolve conflicts, reach compromises and hopefully transform a difficult living situation into a comfortable one.

How does it work?
Family coaching follows the same basic concept as all other types of coaching: guiding a person from where they are, to where they want to be.
Just as a business coach might be drafted in to help restructure a team or advise a manager on communication techniques, a family coach will meet online all who are are under the one roof/home to work with all members of a family. They can help to find out where the problems are and what changes can be made to reach a happy medium.
Family coaching sessions are designed to keep disputes as rational as possible. When we let our emotions get the better of us, arguments can easily turn into shouting matches. A coach will ensure any arguments that arise between family members during a family coaching session are kept as structured, fair and valid as possible - so that everybody has a chance to have their say. We also make sure that you understand and know how to make your voice heard in the right way.
How can family coaching help?
Conflict within the family home can be so much more damaging and distressing than conflict at work. When we choose to start a family, we usually do so out of love. Although those initial feelings can be stifled or forgotten over time by the trials and tribulations of life, they never truly go away - and work can be done to reclaim them. So, family coaching offers a practical solution to often very personal problems.
Some reasons people seek family coaching include:
- resolving marital problems
- addressing work/life balance
- bringing up children
- dealing with problem teenagers
- dealing with life after separation or divorce
Initially, you might feel uncomfortable with the idea of inviting a stranger into your family unit to observe how you and your family interact together. It's an unnatural situation and it can feel unnerving to think that your life is being judged, or that you might be blamed for anything that went wrong.
But Mind-Body & soul family coaching is not there to judge or to point fingers. They are there to put things into perspective so that everyone can see the situation as a whole and learn to accept the part they play. Once everyone accepts that things need to change, the whole family can think of ways to move on positively together
Meet John - Your family life coach
For nearly two decades John has worked with people from all walks of life and form many life experiences. From young to old, rich and poor John has seen people at their best and at their worst and has made it his mission to do the best that he can for others with the circumstances that present themselves.
Because of Johns's list of wide and varied interests, John has the ability to be able to connect with people from wide and varied backgrounds. From amazing moms and dads to professional wrestlers and bodybuilders from youths and students to actors and artists Johns's biggest advantage is the desire to find a connection. Through this method, John has gone on to help people from all around the world change their lives forever.
Unlike other coaching programs, John's coaching methods go beyond simple strategies and mentoring techniques. John knows that gimmicks don’t create long-term results – the mind is the key to your sustained success. Even a great strategy won’t succeed without the right mindset to implement it. When you change your mindset, you are then able to transform your life. Most people are held back by their own limiting beliefs – they become trapped in a cycle of negative self-talk and become convinced they’re unworthy or unable to accomplish their goals. John is here to help you identify those beliefs and break patterns that are holding you back.
With John, You’ll learn that it’s never a lack of resources holding you back – it’s a lack of resourcefulness, focus, and mindset. Start discovering the tools, strategies, and distinctions available to you and stay more accountable so you get lasting results in the area of life that matters most – personal growth, business, health, finances, or personal relationships. Learn techniques that allow you to improve on accounting for your life all the way to learning how to become the you that you have always wanted to!
Most of us know what to do, but don’t take the actions to follow through on our goals. Those who want to live their passions they sometimes lack the knowledge of a step by step process. We tell ourselves we’re not smart enough. Strong enough. Brave enough. What holds you back is not your capabilities – it’s the fear of failure. It’s ok to be afraid, but it is not ok to let fear stop you.
John will help you set goals, identify what’s holding you back, and learn to move past fear. With your John, you will, learn how to take small steps that can lead to massive changes. One thing John will tell you from his own personal story is that to get to where you want to be sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone in order to get to where you want to be.
John has been there and really understands. That's why he's the best at what he does. No BS with John
Ready to take things to the next level? – Get a free 20-minute strategy session to get started! In just one powerful session, you will:
- Get absolute clarity on the top goals for you in the next year
- Isolate and reframe limiting beliefs that have held you back
- Devise a plan of action to achieve your specific outcomes
You don’t have to settle for the life you’re living — reach your peak performance level and start getting lasting results today!
"Very easy to talk to and very down to earth. John actually makes talking about issues and struggles fun. If you're looking for a judgment-free coach who has really been there within his own life then John is the person for you."
"A coach who really helped me get honest with myself and my behavior in a super supportive way. I had seen two therapists before trying Life coaching with John and so often I felt like I was out on the ledge by myself.
Not with Johns's methods though! I felt like he was there every step of the way and it really saved me and my marriage."
"I have to admit when I first heard about life coaching I was really skeptical however, after seeing the changes it made in my daughter, son, and wifes life It opened my mind and eyes to something.
I decided to give it a go and I have to say John is really good. He worked with me even with my skepticism, which we very quickly began laughing about.
I don't know what it is but he really does understand people! Plus we have a lot of mutual interests which made talking to him so much easier.
His wide and varied interests are sure to get the conversation going from just about anyone!"
So now that you've heard from others and their experience how about giving it a go?
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Here's to you and your families success!